

2019-2-17 17:26:08发布299次查看ip:发布人:
郑州爱彼手表老是不走|国内官方售后,欢迎联系客 户关怀服务中心,手机,我们主要是做售后维修 售后维修 售后维修,郑州爱彼手表老是不走|国内官方售后
遇见它之前,生活如窗台风铃, 有阳光却安安静静,然而一场不期而遇,如微风轻拂,风铃开始奏起美妙乐章。遇见之后,让我的生活多了一抹色彩。为了不想让这一抹色彩变成灰色,就要定期对手表进行维修保养。
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after a wath worn for a long time, many dirt will be left on the edge of the bottom over and around the rown, whih will diretly affet the appearane. compared to the tyle, leather trap material alo more, uh a alf, roodile, otrih kin, although their material different, but the maintenane method baially the ame. when hooing, pay attention to the orner of the trap. therefore, a new waterproof ring mut be replaed after one year, otherwe it will not be waterproof. if the quartz wath damp, take a few mall piee of alium hloride, wrapped with gauze; then, open the over of the table and put the overed alium hloride and the table into a non-leaky plati bag or gla bottle, and eal. the mathing of the magneti teel of the rotor of the quartz wath motor and the opper leeve made of metal glue. in a word, the mahine ore part hould be leaned and lean without negligene. wath water repellentno wath hould be worn in a hot bath, auna, or ued in a very hot environment. if loal omparative deep rathe on aing or trap, the need to do before repair loal proeing, the loation, the hell ide of the wath ae, for example, might even ue deliate mall file, more to ue oil tone, under a magnifying gla arefully the deeper rathe boring flat, ha a deep rath, to emphaize the loal firt to do with oil tone grinding. here are a few way to lean your white belt wath. jshdtaozi88
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do not wear a non-waterproof wath under the environment that too humid, epeially for thoe with leather wath trap. weat on the leather trap hurt mot try not to weat with will horten trap life extremely fat o in addition to the uual don't take the time to put in the hade dry ventilation in the leather trap faulty clean with a toothbruh toothpate belt inide pay attention to quikly after the bruh a few time immediately wipe dry with dry loth, wipe with vinegar an additionally, through the loth gently a few time with the iron. when uing eletroni alibrator, the alibrator mut be equipped with a tabilized voltage power upply, the mirophone mut be away from the fluoreent lamp, motor and noe, the alibrator mut not be loe to a heat oure (uh a heating) or expoed to unlight. can alo be the mak of the inner, the ubhell outward, on the wrt, two hour after the water an be eliminated. how often hould the wath be maintained? wath how long to maintain a general mehanial wathe an maintain period about 3 ~ year, one more than the deadline, wathae internal lubriating oil dry tain eaily, external waterproof waher eay to hardening, barely ue failure prone to mehanial part with water and oil dry tain reulting part wear problem, alo doe not affet the early operation, and only ee the auray of time more and more low, over time, when to top operation, the internal part of lo very eriou, to the extent that uh, low maintenane ot beome a lot of part maintenane expene. the waterproof gaket and rown of the wath mut be replaed periodially aording to the ue ituation. if you are not wearing a emi-automati wath every day, you need to regularly wind the wath, whih enure that the internal mehanial devie are running properly and orretly. how often hould the wath be maintained? wath how long to maintain a general mehanial wathe an maintain period about 3 ~ year, one more than the deadline, wathae internal lubriating oil dry tain eaily, external waterproof waher eay to hardening, barely ue failure prone to mehanial part with water and oil dry tain reulting part wear problem, alo doe not affet the early operation, and only ee the auray of time more and more low, over time, when to top operation, the internal part of lo very eriou, to the extent that uh, low maintenane ot beome a lot of part maintenane expene. if you like ortial band, it better to have at leat two or more.the waterproof performane of the wath depend on the waterproof gaket in the table mirror, rear over, rown, et. do not wah with water if the trap often in a humid environment will aelerate it hardening rate, weat tain will alo erode the ortex, will be deformation, hardening or even break when the band not ool dry in a ventilated ool plae when the band mell, lean the inner ide of the belt with a toothbruh toothpate immediately wipe with dry loth.
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